How to open qtx file color

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Imported samples from QTX files cannot be stored into the database, possible error messages 'Sybase ODBC error - Column Sample ID in standard table cannot be null.' or '[ODBC.How to change the Standard- or Batchname, if the description is not correct.Error message when opening Tools 1.2 : 'This form has been created to use illuminant #85712 but there are only three active illuminants.Datacolor Tools 1.3 release version does not let me calibrate my MF45 and MF45IR.How to use Customized Filters in Datacolor Tools?.How can I export samples from my TOOLS desktop to another TOOLS user?.UV calibration sometimes gives negative whiteness values.Where can I locate Tools_Global and the.How do I change the standard measurement of my instrument’s diagnostic tile?.How do I export information from my template in Datacolor Tools 2.x to Excel.How do I save the current screen form so that it appears every time I start Datacolor Tools?.Emailing measurement data from Tools QC. How do I download the latest Wal-Mart forms?.Imported samples from QTX files cannot be stored into the database,possible error messages 'Sybase ODBC error - Column Sample ID in standard table cannot be null.' or '[ODBC D.How do I remove the gray background on the printout of reflectance plots in Datacolor Tools?.

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